Sometimes, identifying counterfeit goods can be a challenge. In order to protect our consumers and our brands, we take a ‘zero-tolerance’ approach to counterfeit goods, regularly identifying and removing counterfeit goods and websites.
Below, we provide some useful tips on how to recognise, and therefore avoid, counterfeit goods:
Check the website is secure - look for the padlock icon in the address bar. If in doubt, you’re better off buying direct from our e-commerce sites;
Always use a credit card to make purchases - you will be able to bring a claim against your card provider should any issues arise;
Be aware of heavily discounted products - counterfeit goods are often sold at exceedingly low prices, or with what seems to be a huge discount. Trust your instincts - should a price look too good to be true, it probably is;
Read the small print - shipping location, shipping charges and return and refund policies. Avoid purchasing products from sites that have unclear terms and conditions;
Reputation and feedback - always check customer feedback, including reviews;
Pop-ups - be aware of any pop-ups at the payment stage that may require you to include or confirm card details before you reach the payment stage. Never enter your PIN online.